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The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a critical part of what makes LCFF work to support student success. The simplification in the funding formula for education made by LCFF is not just for the sake of simplicity, but because a simple formula is important to support the goal of increased transparency and accountability. The development and sharing of the LCAP is how LCFF supports these goals.

The LCAP is first and foremost about creating a great plan that will guide how a district, charter school, or county office of education supports student success. Ideally it will be brief, easy to understand, and contain key information about how an educational agency plans to act and spend funding to address state and local priorities for student success. It resembles the type of information contained in a strategic plan where the emphasis is on creating a document that shares the story of how an agency plans to achieve its mission and vision.

The LCAP is intended to be a comprehensive plan that includes LCFF funds received by a local educational agency. It can include other funds if such information is helpful. Each LCAP is expected to include information about the goals, services, and spending plan that address the needs of all pupils and each significant subgroup. Furthermore, the LCAP must reflect specific goals for school sites, which may be district wide or countywide, or called out by individual site. The LCAP does not replace existing site plans. Rather it is expected that the LCAP and site plans are aligned and that site level advisory groups are informed about and have been engaged in providing input to the development of the LCAP.

The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) must include district annual goals that are aligned to the eight state priorities and specific actions a district will take to ensure that academic performance improves. Student achievement goals will be based on the expectations of the Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and new California English Language Development Standards.